På torsdag, den 31 oktober bjuder konstföreningen ARTiE in till en kväll med film- och videokonstnären Lena Mattsson, på Bian i Eslöv. Under kvällen visas 10 kortfilmer och det blir samtidigt sverigepremiär för "The Rorschach Test" samt den prisbelönta filmen "Not Without Gloves". Lena är sedan mer än trettio år ett välkänt namn på den skånska konstscenen med en lång rad filmer, videoverk och installationer bakom sig. Hennes poetiska och stämningsfulla arbeten har kunnat ses på allt från Malmö konsthall till Nordiska akvarellmuseet. Under kvällen medverkar konstnären även i ett konstnärssamtal med ARTiEs Dan Jönsson.
På torsdag, den 31 oktober bjuder konstföreningen ARTiE in till en kväll med film- och videokonstnären Lena Mattsson, på Bian i Eslöv. Under kvällen visas 10 kortfilmer och det blir samtidigt sverigepremiär för "The Rorschach Test" samt den prisbelönta filmen "Not Without Gloves". Lena är sedan mer än trettio år ett välkänt namn på den skånska konstscenen med en lång rad filmer, videoverk och installationer bakom sig. Hennes poetiska och stämningsfulla arbeten har kunnat ses på allt från Malmö konsthall till Nordiska akvarellmuseet. Under kvällen medverkar konstnären även i ett konstnärssamtal med ARTiEs Dan Jönsson.
New film ”The Rorschach Test” by Lena Mattsson 2024
New film ”The Rorschach Test” by Lena Mattsson 2024.
”The Rorschach Test” is a multifaceted film about life and its shortcomings. The film touches upon normative questions on what is considered sick or healthy in contemporary times. Lena Mattsson illuminates life, art and film history in a poetic and metaphorical way in the film “The Rorschach test”. The foundational question is; What is normal? Is the answer always in the eye of the beholder?
Music: Conny C-A Malmqvist
Text: Lena Mattsson.
"The Rorschach Test by Lena Mattsson
The Rorschach Test is a short film about life. The film's title alludes to the psychological test, consisting of a series of symmetrically shaped ink blots, which a test subject must interpret. As spectators, we are faced with some sequences with a young woman looking at us, looking away, moving in an overgrown garden, lifting an umbrella, moving on a roof, sometimes smiling, sometimes worried, all the while bathed in strong sunlight in a lighting that is enhanced by the beautiful and sharp black and white photo. The film allows us as spectators to oscillate between being patient and observer. What are we seeing? Does it have to do with drawing the line between healthy and sick? Does it have to do with ourselves? What is really going on with the woman on the roof? What is she looking at? Who is watching her? What has happened? What will happen now? As always, Lena Mattsson lets the decisive action take place elsewhere, outside the image,as always, she asks herself if the answer is in the eye of the beholder.
Text: Lars Gustaf Andersson
Lars Gustaf Andersson is Professor at Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund University, Sweden. Areas of research include experimental film, Swedish film history, immigrant filmmaking, minor cinema and artistic research."
Special thanks to Lars Gustaf Andersson, the actor in the film Ebba Melber and Conny Malmqvist who created the music for the film The Rorschach Test by Lena Mattsson.
Best regards from Lena Mattsson.
The Rorschach Test. Critical Analysis ★★★★★ LOS ANGELES / NEW YORK CITY The Macoproject Film Festival
Thank you so much The Macoproject Film Festival for this well written film analysis! You who live in Sweden have the opportunity to see the film The Rorschach Test at Bian in Elslöv now on Thursday the 31th October at 19:00 where also some of Lena Mattsson's other short films are presented by ARTiE.
WINNER San Francisco Film Lab Awards 2024