Välkommen till ISLAND OF LIGHT - Smögen 5-8 september 2024


Välkommen till ISLAND OF LIGHT - Smögen 5-8 september 2024 20:00 - 24:00

Summer City of Love!

I en orolig tid av omänskligt lidande, krig och våld vill vi kanske se en strimma ljus i mörkret? Lena Mattssons nya verk är filmade och klippta för att projiceras på en sjöbod på Smögens brygga där de med skarp precision samverkar med den unika miljön och dess historiska kontext. Vi får träda in som besökare i en magisk värld, en realisering av platsens egen poesi. Där vävs dåtid, nutid, dröm och verklighet samman. I krig och kärlek lär allt vara tillåtet, så kanske också dessa uppenbarelser av gränslöshet i tid och rum? Musiken är specialkomponerad av den mångfasetterade Conny C-A Malmqvist, som vid sidan av att vara skribent och filosof också återkommande skapar de ljudvisioner som ackompanjerar Lena Mattsons bildvärld.

Verket är tillägnat alla bofasta och besökare på denna magiska ö. Lena Mattsson är själv uppväxt i området och inspirerad av platsen och dess omgivningar som har präglat hennes konstnärskap på djupet. Det senaste året har Mattsson vunnit ett flertal internationella priser på filmfestivaler runtomkring i världen med verk som Not without gloves, filmade på Smögen, Tången, Hovenäset och i Kungshamn. De bohuslänska klippornas granit har förts ut i världen, omvandlade till drömlika filmsekvenser. Nuets tyngd balanseras av dessa filmers lätthet; det är kanske Lena Mattssons viktigaste bidrag till oss, ett hopp trots allt.

Text: Lars Gustaf Andersson (f. 1960) är sedan 2012 professor i litteraturvetenskap med inriktning mot film och medier vid Språk-och litteraturcentrum i Lund (LUNDS UNIVERSITET). Han är poet, kritiker och översättare.

Speciellt tack till ISLAND OF LIGHT, Ebba Melber,
Conny C-A Malmqvist,
Lars Gustaf Andersson.



Not Without Gloves

Thank you so much MONACO FILM MEETING 2024
coming soon on VARIETY.
I feel honored and very grateful!

A special thanks for the fantastic job you do for us as filmmakers
Michele Diomà
Valentina Lumi

Conny Malmqvist for the music in the film "Not without gloves"!

Best regards from Lena Mattsson.

"Not without gloves" by Lena Mattsson

Lena Mattsson's film "Not without gloves" reveal the common identity that we share in the experience and memory of the landscapes we come from, which in this particular case is also Mattson’s own origin.

The film problematize a romantic nature experience through various distortions, interpretations and questioning of the original place. Instead, we are allowed to enter as visitors into a magical world. Where Mattsson highlights in a poetic way the COVID-19 pandemic and global environmental change.

Music Conny C-A Malmqvist.


WINNER FANTASY FESTIVAL in Santiago de Chile 2024

Great news!
WINNER FANTASY FESTIVAL in Santiago de Chile 2024.
Thank you so much FANTASY FESTIVAL in Santiago de Chile 2024
I feel truly honored and grateful!
Not Without Gloves
A special thanks for the fantastic job you do for us as filmmakers
Conny Malmqvist for the music in the film Not Without Gloves!
Best regards from Lena Mattsson.
"Not without gloves" by Lena
Lena Mattsson's film "Not without gloves" reveal the common identity that we share in the experience and memory of the landscapes we come from, which in this particular case is also Mattson’s own origin.
The film problematize a romantic nature experience through various distortions, interpretations and questioning of the original place. Instead, we are allowed to enter as visitors into a magical world. Where Mattsson highlights in a poetic way the COVID-19 pandemic and global environmental change.

Winner Japan Film Critics Awards 2024

Winner Japan Film Critics Awards 2024

Not Without Gloves

Thank you so much Japan Film Critics Awards 2024
The Hollywood Reporter: "WILD FILMMAKER 
The World`s Largest Community for Indie Filmmakers".
I feel honored and very grateful!

A special thanks for the fantastic job you do for us as filmmakers
Michele Diomà
WILD FILMMAKER - Editor in Chief
Sally Valentina Lumi
Conny C-A Malmqvist for the music i the film"Not without gloves"!

Best regards from Lena Mattsson.

"Not without gloves" by Lena Mattsson

Lena Mattsson's film "Not without gloves" reveal the common identity that we share in the experience and memory of the landscapes we come from, which in this particular case is also Mattson’s own origin.

The film problematize a romantic nature experience through various distortions, interpretations and questioning of the original place. Instead, we are allowed to enter as visitors into a magical world. Where Mattsson highlights in a poetic way the COVID-19 pandemic and global environmental change.

Music Conny C-A Malmqvist


Winner ROUTE 66 FILM FEST 2024

Winner ROUTE 66 FILM FEST 2024.

Thank you so much Michele Diomà
WILD FILMMAKER - Editor in Chief
Cristina Mari, Adel Sunes, Valentina Lumi, Veronica Pastor, Rubin Saul. I feel honored and very grateful!

Not Without Gloves

The best film platform in the world! Thank you all for your brilliant work Wild Filmmaker Michele Diomà, Valentina Lumi

Special thanks to Conny Malmqvist for the music in the film "Not Without Gloves"!

Not Without Gloves by Lena Mattsson

Lena Mattsson's film "Not without gloves" reveal the common identity that we share in the experience and memory of the landscapes we come from, which in this particular case is also Mattson’s own origin.

The film problematize a romantic nature experience through various distortions, interpretations and questioning of the original place. Instead, we are allowed to enter as visitors into a magical world. Where Mattsson highlights in a poetic way the COVID-19 pandemic and global environmental change.

Music Conny C-A Malmqvist.

Best regards from Lena Mattsson.

WINNER New York Film Festival Best Indie Selection 2024


WINNER New York Film Festival Best Indie Selection 2024!
Thank you so much New York Film Festival Best Indie Selection 2024.
Supported by Wild Filmmaker. I feel honored and very grateful!
Not Without Gloves
A special thanks for the fantastic job you do for us as filmmakers
Conny Malmqvist for the music in the film Not Without Gloves!
Not Without Gloves by Lena Mattsson
Lena Mattsson's film "Not without gloves" reveal the common identity that we share in the experience and memory of the landscapes we come from, which in this particular case is also Mattson’s own origin.
The film problematize a romantic nature experience through various distortions, interpretations and questioning of the original place. Instead, we are allowed to enter as visitors into a magical world. Where Mattsson highlights in a poetic way the COVID-19 pandemic and global environmental change.
Music Conny C-A Malmqvist.

Best regards from Lena Mattsson.

Winner Diario Italiano Film Festival 2024, Florence


Winner Diario Italiano Film Festival 2024, Florence!

Thank you so much Michele Diomà
WILD FILMMAKER - Editor in Chief
Cristina Mari, Adel Sunes, Paola Traniani, Valentina Lumi,
Veronica Pastor, Rubin Saul. I feel very honored and grateful!

Not Without Gloves

"WILD FILMMAKER" The best film platform in the world! Thank you all for your brilliant work Wild Filmmaker Michele Diomà
Special thanks to Conny Malmqvist for the music in the film "Not Without Gloves"!

Not Without Gloves by Lena Mattsson
Lena Mattsson's film "Not without gloves" reveal the common identity that we share in the experience and memory of the landscapes we come from, which in this particular case is also Mattson’s own origin.
The film problematize a romantic nature experience through various distortions, interpretations and questioning of the original place. Instead, we are allowed to enter as visitors into a magical world. Where Mattsson highlights in a poetic way the COVID-19 pandemic and global environmental change.

Music Conny C-A Malmqvist.

Best regards from Lena Mattsson.